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Our gastronomy

Croquettes are El Velódromo’s bestselling tapas dish. Who could resist this gastronomic delight? But patrons of El Velódromo don’t just live off croquettes! No, the Russian salad, the ham and cheese toastie with truffle, the creamy calamari rice, the esqueixada, the bravas, the stuffed squid… If your mouth is already watering just thinking about it (like ours is) we would like to make a suggestion: take a look over the menu you’ll find below, head out to number 213 Muntaner street, between Diagonal and Londres, take a seat and get ready to enjoy!

For breakfast, to have lunch, enjoy a coffee, the first drink of the night, a dinner with friends... No matter what time it is, at El Velódromo you'll find your place

Oh, and one important detail: The naster behing all this, el capo of all El Velódromo’s gastronomy, Michelin starred chef, Jordi Vilà himself! Not bad, eh?

Classic tapas and traditional dishes where the quality of the ingredients is the most important

Food & drink

Want to check our menu? Click here!


Want to check our breakfasts menu? Click here!
